

Hyperthyroidism and pregnancy

MEA. Amani*a (Dr), F. Chentlib (Pr)

a EHU 1er Novembre 1954, Oran, ALGÉRIE ; b CHU Bab-El-Oued, Alger, ALGÉRIE

* medamine11@gmail.com

-Our objectives are the prevalence and the etiologies of hyperthyroidism in pregnant women in the 1st trimester.
- Materials and methods : prospective study, on 270 pregnant women in the 1st quarter. Women who smoke (active smoking confessed) and those followed for thyroid disease or taking medications that interfere with the thyroid gland were excluded.
Study protocol: clinical examination, thyroid stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, free triiodothyronine and thyroid antibodies (TPO-ab, thyroglobulin-ab and TSI). Statistics tests: collection of data on EPI INFO 5.1
-Results :
- 2/270 Pregnant women in the 1st quarter (0.7%) had hyperthyroidism.
- The etiology of thyrotoxicosis was related to gestational transient hyperthyroidism.
- No case of Graves' disease was found.
-Discussion : hyperthyroidism is a rare disorder during pregnancy but the consequences are serious for both the mother and the offspring.

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